|[What is Geriatric Care Management?___|Care Management is a specialty that spans many human services professions. Care Managers, not to be confused with managed care, seek to connect clients to resources that fill their needs. After a comprehensive evaluation, a care plan is developed and services arranged. We act as the client's advocate and guide, and provide counseling and support as needed. As the aging population increases and the elderly are living longer, there will be more need for private geriatric care managers. The field of geriatric care management is a specialty in and of itself with a knowledge base developed from experience, research, community contacts and a lot of training and continuing education. A care manager must have a knowlege base gleaned from a wide gamut of professions in order to do accurate assessments and planning. These skills include psycho-social evaluations, understanding and using family dynamics, and knowledge of law, ethics, finance, insurance, medical care, geropsychiatry, entitlements, community services, housing, alternative levels of care, and long term care insurance, as well as the ability to recognize addictions. As people's needs are constantly changing, a good care manager must be flexible in the ongoing assessments and plans. The following tasks may be performed.